Grant Project
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
COSACOSA art at large
Serving Justice
COSACOSA's Serving Justice project offers multidisciplinary art workshops for veterans in Philadelphia in partnership with the Veterans Empowerment Center (VEC) and Veterans Multi-Service Center (VMC). Through community-building activities, veterans can explore their creativity, collaborate with peers, and share their stories through various art forms. The project seeks to address the psychosocial impacts of military service by providing an alternative means of communication and expression, reducing stress, and increasing resilience. Veterans build positive, meaningful relationships, empower each other, and work together to bridge the military/civilian divide.
Each veteran sets an "empowerment goal" and receives regular support from peers, project artists, and partner organization staff to achieve their desired outcomes.
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COSACOSA art at large
Veterans Empowerment Center (VEC)
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Veterans Multi-Service Center (VMC)/Women Veterans Center (WVC)
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$46,000, Advanced