Melissa Walker Freeman, ATR-BC, LPAT

Melissa Walker Freeman


Lead Art Therapist & Healing Arts Program Coordinator, U.S. Department of Defense
National Intrepid Center of Excellence (NICoE) at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center
Bethesda, MD

Melissa Walker Freeman


Melissa Walker Freeman serves as the Lead Art Therapist for Creative Forces and Healing Arts Program Coordinator at the National Intrepid Center of Excellence (NICoE), a directorate of the Walter Reed National Military Medical Center. Melissa helped to develop the Healing Arts Program at the NICoE, where she works with military service members diagnosed with traumatic brain injury and associated psychological health conditions. She and her team treat  service members using creative arts therapies, allowing them to effectively express the invisible wounds of war. Masks made by NICoE service members  were highlighted in a 2015 edition of National Geographic, and the art therapy program is also discussed in (External link)Melissa’s 2016 TED talk . Melissa actively engages in therapy research and was listed as one of “100 Women in Science” by Taylor & Francis. Melissa received her Master’s Degree in Art Therapy from NYU.


Art Therapy Masks Reflect Emotional Changes in Military Personnel with PTSS

Art Therapy and Underlying fMRI Brain Patterns in Military TBI: A Case Series

Art Therapy for PTSD and TBI: A Senior Active Duty Military Service Member’s Therapeutic Journey

Active-Duty Military Service Members’ Visual Representations of PTSD and TBI in Masks

Increased Functional Connectivity in Military Service Members

Using Human and Computer-Based text Analysis of Clinical Notes to Understand Military Service Members’ Experiences with Therapeutic Writing

Observational Associations Between Visual Imagery and Measures of Depression, Anxiety, and Post-Traumatic Stress

Examining Associations Between Montage Painting Imagery and Symptoms of Depression and Posttraumatic Stress

Art therapy interventions for active-duty service members

‘Master My Demons’: Art Therapy Montage Painting by Active-Duty Military Service Members