‘Master My Demons’: Art Therapy Montage Painting by Active-Duty Military Service Members
View Abstract
The study involved a thematic analysis of montage paintings and of related clinical records of 240 active-duty military service members collected during their art therapy treatment for traumatic brain injury (TBI) and underlying psychological health concerns, including post-traumatic stress, at the National Intrepid Center of Excellence, Walter Reed National Military Medical Center, Bethesda, MD. Congruent with other research findings, the qualitative analyses of this study suggest that the group art therapy experiences fostered improvement in interpersonal relatedness, hopefulness and gratification for the service members in treatment aiding in externalization, progressive exposure and construction of a trauma narrative imperative for recovery. The mixed media nature of the montage painting supported the expression of a range of post-combat symptoms. Results from this study highlighted the complexity of military culture, necessitating a broader scope of analyses for how art therapy helps service members express and communicate their challenges to care providers, peers, and family as well as regulate emotion in the short and long term.
The study involved a thematic analysis of montage paintings and of related clinical records of 240 active-duty military service members collected during their art therapy treatment for traumatic brain injury (TBI) and underlying psychological health concerns, including post-traumatic stress, at the National Intrepid Center of Excellence, Walter Reed National Military Medical Center, Bethesda, MD. Congruent with other research findings, the qualitative analyses of this study suggest that the group art therapy experiences fostered improvement in interpersonal relatedness, hopefulness and gratification for the service members in treatment aiding in externalization, progressive exposure and construction of a trauma narrative imperative for recovery. The mixed media nature of the montage painting supported the expression of a range of post-combat symptoms. Results from this study highlighted the complexity of military culture, necessitating a broader scope of analyses for how art therapy helps service members express and communicate their challenges to care providers, peers, and family as well as regulate emotion in the short and long term.
Berberian, M., Walker, M.S., & Kaimal, G.
Publication Date:
Medical Humanities (Impact factor = 1343)
45(4), 353-360
Population Studied:
Service members in art therapy treatment at the National Intrepid Center of Excellence (NICoE); N=240
Art therapy; group art therapy sessions in week four of a 4-week intensive outpatient program
Study Design:
Grounded theory thematic analysis of content in montage painting and clinical notes created by art therapist
Images and clinical notes