
Creative Forces develops and shares resources to increase understanding of how clinical arts therapies and community arts engagement can promote healing for military-connected people.

Explore our peer-reviewed clinical research, program reports, and other educational materials below.


A Black woman sits on the grass leaning back while she takes a photo of her daughter standing in a field with one arm overhead.

Grantee Project Logic Model Summary

Creative Forces® uses two logic models to guide its Community Engagement program. The Grantee Project Logic Model Summary helps guide individual projects by making sure their goals and strategies are clear.
Seated man looking down at clay on a round surface of a potter's wheel.

National Logic Model Summary

Creative Forces® uses two logic models to guide its Community Engagement program. The National Logic Model Summary helps guide the overall national program and ensures its aims, goals, and implementation strategies are clear.
A white male with short brown hair wearing a Marines military uniform seated while holding a paintbrush and painting.

What is a logic model?

A logic model is a detailed visual representation of how a program will operate and lead to change. Logic models show how program resources (inputs), activities, and outputs will lead to outcomes. Those outcomes connect to program goals.

Educational Resources

Two women wearing hats are seated while looking off to the right side. The woman on the left is holding an open songbook in her left hand.

Creative Forces Glossary

This glossary defines key terms used to describe Creative Forces programs and approach.
Side view of a man in a military uniform seated at a table and looking at a photo he is holding of a woman and child.

Military and Family Needs Assessment and Literature Review: Considerations for Arts Providers and Creative Arts Therapists

In 2018, the Institute for Veterans and Military Families (IVMF) at Syracuse University was commissioned by Creative Forces to conduct a literature review and needs assessment to understand how arts programming can effectively address the needs of various military-connected individuals.

Clinical Research

Colorful artwork using shapes such as hearts, hexagons, squares, a silhouette of a hand pointing, and more. The artwork is a series of individual square pieces assembled to make one mural.
Clinical Research

Clinical Peer-Reviewed Publications Inventory

An inventory of Creative Forces published research and scholarly manuscripts as of August 2024. Each listing includes the open access link for the article.
Person in U.S. Air Force uniform with one hand on a guitar neck while a second person's hand touches the guitar and the first person's hand.
Clinical Research

New Report: Clinical Research Priorities for Creative Arts Therapies Addressing Service Members and Veterans with TBI and Associated Psychological Health Conditions

In November 2023, Creative Forces hosted the first State of the Science Summit, “Advancing Creative Arts Therapies Research for Military-Connected Populations,” at the Henry M. Jackson Foundation for the Advancement of Military Medicine headquarters in Rockville, Maryland. This two-day hybrid event brought more than 100 clinicians and researchers together to focus on the state of creative arts therapies research for military and veteran populations.

Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning Resources

A young person in an art studio smiles and holds up their paint-covered hands
Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning

Community Connections Project Study Report

In 2017, Creative Forces launched its inaugural community arts engagement program. This report shares results from a study detailing how partners carried out projects. It showed benefits to both participants and organizations.

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