What is a logic model?
A logic model is a detailed visual representation of how a program will operate and lead to change. Logic models show how program resources (inputs), activities, and outputs will lead to outcomes. Those outcomes connect to program goals.
Logic models test the feasibility of programs. Can the program be implemented in this timeframe?What resources and partnerships are needed? Will these activities lead to the intended outcomes and program goals?
Logic models set the metrics, or indicators, that will measure program success and implementation. They provide programs with a foundation for program design, implementation, and monitoring, evaluation, and learning (MEL).
Logic models explain the program and its purpose to others, especially funders. They make setting priorities, strategic planning, and writing grants and Scopes of Work easier.
Key elements of a logic model

- Program goal
- Inputs, activities, outputs
- Program outcomes
- Rationale
- Assumptions, external factors, participant strengths
Program goal
A program goal states the program’s mission or purpose. It explains what the program wishes to accomplish and sets the long-term direction. The logic model and programs start with a goal statement.
Inputs, activities, and outputs
Inputs are the resources needed to run the program and achieve the outcomes. Organizations invest in inputs to implement programs and achieve outcomes.
Inputs can include:
- technology
- space
- transportation
- materials
- training
- staff
- funding
- policies
- information
- or time.
Activities are the events or actions taken by the program to produce the outcomes. Organizations use activities to build programs and create outcomes.
Activities can include:
- training
- curriculum development
- workshops
- performances
- policy development
- program management
- or evaluation activities.
Outputs are the products of the program and track program implementation. Outputs cover the quality of partnerships, milestones, and created plans.
Outputs include:
- the number of people served or trained, and
- participant satisfaction.
Program outcomes
Program outcomes are the most important part of the logic model. Outcomes are the intended results of the program – its impact. Outcomes include changes in behavior, attitudes, knowledge, or skills. These changes can occur in participants or organizational partners. Outcomes can also include improvements in health and well-being, the environment, or access to services.
- Short-term outcomes are the immediate results of the program activities and outputs. They can be for participants, organizations, or systems. These outcomes focus on changes in an organization’s knowledge, attitudes, skills, or capacity. They usually happen within one to two years of starting a program.
- Medium-term outcomes emerge from, and build on, the results of the short-term outcomes. They can focus on changes in behavior, policy, or the creation of new practices and norms. These changes might take longer. They also need regular participation or education by participants, organizations, and partners.
- Long-term outcomes are the ultimate impact created by the program. These could take two to five years to happen.
The program rationale outlines the staff’s theory of change for the program. It is the challenge, problem, or need that the program will address. It is based on best practices, prior research, existing theories, and experience.
Assumptions and external factors
Assumptions and external factors help identify possible obstacles and assets to program implementation. Recognizing these elements in the logic model ensures that staff can address them:
- Assumptions are conditions and resources that affect program implementation or outcomes. Assumptions can positively or negatively affect the program. For example, one assumption could be, “Funding will be available to support the program.”
- External or contextual factors describe the context or environment in which the program will operate. They also describe situations beyond the control of program staff. For example, a pandemic, changes in state policy, or existing military policy.
- Participant strengths are the strengths participants bring to arts engagement. Studies by Creative Forces show that organizations should consider designing programs around the strengths found in military-connected populations.